Special Interest Groups
Special Interest Groups are member led with a focus on a particular technique. Members are always welcome to start their own group or contact a member of the Executive with an idea.
Machine Embroidery Group
The Machine Embroidery group meets once a month via Zoom, usually on the first Thursday of the month at 7 pm. All of us have different brands and models of machines so we focus on sharing and learning about the techniques of machine embroidery from each other. Some of our members have years of experience and some are beginners. Each month we have a show and share of what has been created and then we either work on a project with each other or just on whatever each of us is currently doing. We welcome everyone to the group regardless of your experience or even whether or not you have a machine that can do machine embroidery. It is a great way to learn about Machine Embroidery. Contact J. Johnson at info@bluewaterguiltersguild.ca.
Art Quilting Group
The Art Quilting Group meetings are on Zoom, the first Tuesday of the month at 7 pm. Topics are chosen by a different member each month based on their area of interest and there will be small, optional, challenge projects. No experience in art quilting is necessary. All you need is the desire to try something new and the courage to give it a whirl! Some members may meet in person at Pauline’s Place occasionally to workshop together. If you are interested in finding out more, please contact S. Warkentin at info@bluewaterquiltersguild.ca.
Sew Sisters
Sew Sisters meet the second Wednesday of each month at 7 pm via Zoom. Everyone is welcome to join – there is always lots of of conversation and laughter while we sew from the comfort of our own sewing rooms – no need to lug your sewing machine and projects anywhere! Participants are invited to share the projects that they are working on. Quilting, and sometimes life challenges are brought to the group for their collective wisdom in solving them. Contact: C. Petch at info@bluewaterquiltersguild.ca.
Stashbusters meet on the last Monday of the month at 7 pm via Zoom. The group shares quilting ideas to use up scraps from their own personal quilts, pictures, books and websites. Participants show projects that they are working on, ask questions and provide tips to others. Decisions about quilts and patterns are made by participants. Contact: K. Clark at info@bluewaterquiltersguild.ca.
Long Arm Group
This is a resource group for owners of long arm machines. Membership is not limited to BQG. We meet on Zoom the 4th Thursday of each month at 1 pm. Meetings are entirely “Come if you can”. There is no program. We chat, share what we are working on, get inspiration from each other and help each other solve problems. This group is about camaraderie. If you would like to be added to the email list, contact S. Warkentin at info@bluewaterquiltersguild.ca.
Handwork Group
The Handwork group via Zoom is paused for now. Please contact L. Chiotti at info@bluewaterquiltersguild.ca if you are interested in a handwork remote meeting, with your preferred day and time.
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